Ojas Ayurved

Ayurvedic infertility treatment Surat

Semen Analysis

What is semen?

  • Semen is the fluid that is secreted by the male reproductive organs during ejaculation.
  • Semen is a thick, viscous, greyish-white liquid that contains sperms which are male reproductive cells.
  • Semen is made up of a mixture of fluids secreted from various glands including seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands.
  • In addition to containing sperms, semen also contains protein, fructose, enzymes, and other substances that help to nourish and protect the sperms.

Semen composition

At each ejaculation, around 200 – 500 million sperms are released by the testis. This forms about only 2% of semen composition.

The seminal vesicles produce a viscous, fructose-rich fluid forming around 65-70% of the semen volume.

The white color of semen is due to secretion from the prostate gland containing enzymes, citric acid, lipids, and zinc. One important enzyme is prostate-specific antigen (PSA) which helps make semen thinner and liquify. This prostatic fluid forms 25% of the semen base.

Apart from these, the bulbourethral glands also produce a clear secretion. This helps in the mobility of the sperm cells in the vagina and cervix. This secretion contributes less than 1% of the overall semen composition. 

The semen comprises of

  • Fructose
  • Proteins -> enzymes
  • Zinc, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sodium
  • Ascorbic acid, citric acid, uric acid, lactic acid
  • Fat -> cholesterol
  • Vit.-B12, DNA, blood group antigen


What is semen analysis?

A semen analysis is a laboratory test that examines a semen sample under the microscope. It evaluates:

  • How many sperm are in the semen sample?
  • Sperms motility (active sperm)
  • Sperms morphology (sperm shape)
  • Semen volume, pH, liquefaction time, fructose, pus cells, red blood cells, and many other tests.

How to prepare for semen analysis?

It’s very important to follow these instructions for accurate results.

  • Avoid ejaculation for 48 to 72 hours before the test.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and drugs five days before the test.
  • Avoid any hormone medications.

How is semen analysis conducted?

There are four main ways to collect a semen sample:

  • Masturbation – considered the preferred way to get a clean sample.
  • Sex with a condom
  • Sex with withdrawal before ejaculation
  • Ejaculation stimulated by penile vibratory machine

Test interference factors

  • The semen sample must be kept at body temperature, if it gets too cold or too warm, the result will be inaccurate.
  • The semen must be delivered to the testing lab within 30 minutes of leaving the body.
  • Some factors can negatively affect the test which include:
  • Semen coming into contact with spermicide.
  • When you are ill or stressed.
  • Contamination of the sample (by urine or other substance)
  • Lab technician error.
  • When sending the semen to the laboratory, carry it in a pocket of coat or pants.

What are normal results?

     1.  Semen volume

  • The volume of semen for a normal result should be greater than 2 ml.
  • A low semen volume could indicate a low amount of sperm to fertilize an egg.


    2. Sperm count

  • Normal sperm count should be between 20 million to over 200 million per ml.
  • If this number is low, conceiving can be more difficult.


     3. Sperm motility (movement)

  • For a normal result, more than 50% of sperm must move normally an hour after ejaculation.
  • Sperm movement is important to fertility because sperm must travel to fertilize an ovum in the uterus and fallopian tubes.


     4. Sperm morphology (shape)

  • In a normal semen sample, at least 4% of sperm should have normal morphology.
  • Abnormal sperm morphology can be associated with infertility.


     5. Liquefaction

  • Semen is initially thick, it has the ability to liquefy or turn to a watery consistency which helps sperm to move.
  • It should take around 15-30 mins to liquify.
  • If semen does not liquefy in 15-30 mins, fertility could be affected.


    6. pH

  • Semen’s normal pH level should be between 7.2 to 7.8.
  • A pH level higher than 8.0 could indicate that a person has an infection in reproductive organs.
  • A result less than 7.0 could indicate that semen is contaminated or that the man’s ejaculatory duct is blocked.


     7. Appearance

  • The appearance should be whitish to grey and opalescent.
  • Semen that has a red-brown tint could indicate the presence of blood while a yellow tint could indicate jaundice or medication side effects.


     8. Fructose

  • Fructose is a sugar found in semen that’s produced in the seminal vesicle and released during ejaculation.
  • It’s an energy source for sperm.
  • If there is no fructose in semen, it could mean that seminal vesicles are not producing its secretion or an obstruction in the ejaculatory duct.


Shukra Dhatu (Semen) described in Ayurveda:

  • Signs of normal semen (Shudh shukra)


       स्निग्धं घनं पिच्छिलं च मधुरं च अविदाही च |

       रेत: शुद्धं विजानियाच्छवेतं स्फटिक सन्निभम् ||     

                                                        चरक संहिता चि. 30/145


स्फटिकाभं द्रवं स्निग्धं मधुरं मधुगन्धि च |

 शुक्र इछन्ति केचितु तैल क्षौद्रनिभं तथा ||     

                                                     सुश्रुत शा. 2/13

The semen which is viscous, dense, slimy, sweet, non-irritating, white is known as pure or normal.

  • Signs of qualities of semen


बहलं मधुरं स्निग्धम् अविश्रं गुरु पिच्छिलम् |

शुक्लं बहु च यत् शुक्रं फलवत् असंशयम् || 

                                       चरक संहिता चि. 2/4/50 

Thick, sweet, viscous without foul smelling, heavy, viscous, cloudy white, and in large quantities semen is best for fertilization.


8 types of seminal morbidities. (शुक्र के दोष)


फेनिलं तनु रुक्षंं विवणॅ पूति पिच्छिळम् |

अन्य धातु उपसंसृष्टम् अवसादि तथाअष्टमम् ||

                                                          चरक चि . 30/140

फेनिलं (frothy semen): Due to ejaculating frequently, retrograde ejaculation, prostatitis, STD, certain medications, or dehydration.

तनु (Thin semen, watery semen): It can occur due to low sperm count, lifestyle factors, Zinc nutritional deficiencies, or frequent ejaculation.

रूक्षं (dry semen): with dehydration semen can become less fluid and more viscous 

विवर्ण (discolored semen): Red semen could be caused by inflammation of the prostate Or seminal vesicles. Yellow or green semen could be caused by an infection, jaundice, or the presence of Vitamins or medicines.

पूति (foul-smelling semen): Mixed with pus or urine. 

पिच्छिल ( hyperviscous semen): It can occur due to hypofunction of the prostate and seminal vesicle, infection, oxidative stress, and genetic factors.

अन्य धातु उपसंसृष्टम् (semen mixed with other tissues or blood).

अवसादि: Semen sinking to the bottom when placed on water.

Causes of contaminated semen (शुक्र दुष्ट के कारण):


अतिव्यवायात् व्यायामात् असात्म्यानां च सेवनात् |

अकाले वा अपि अयौनौ व मैथुनं च गच्छत : ||

रुक्ष तिक्त कषाय अति लवण अम्ल उष्ण सेवनात् |

नारीणाम् अरसज्ञानां गमना जरया तथा ||

चिन्ता शोकादविसम्भात् शस्त्र क्षार अग्नि विभ्रमात् |

भयात् क्रोधात् अतिसारात् व्याधिभि: कशिॅतस्य च ||

वेग घातात् क्षतात् च अपि धातूनां संप्रदूषणात् |     

                                                                                       चरक चि. 30/138


  • Excessive sex and physical exercise.
  • Intake of unwholesome food.
  • Untimely sex (childage, old age, unhealthy)
  • Sexual intercourse through track other than the female genital organ.
  • Abstinence
  • Intake of food which is dry, bitter, astringent, saline, sour, and hot.
  • Sexual intercourse with unexciting women.
  • Old age, fear, anger, and lack of confidence.
  • Seminal fluid channel injury by sharp instruments, alkalies, or cauterization.
  • Suppression of the natural urges.

Unlock insights into your fertility health with a comprehensive semen analysis at Ojas Ayurved, Book online consultation today.
