Ojas Ayurved

Ayurvedic infertility treatment Surat

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Almost 10% of woman in world is suffering from PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease). In compare to PCOD women with PCOS(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) produces higher than normal amount of male hormones.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder affecting 10% of women in the whole world.

The ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen hormones which helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and also produces small amounts of androgens i.e. male hormones.

 In PCOS, a woman produces higher than-normal amounts of male hormones (androgens).

This male hormone imbalance causes irregular menstrual periods, fertility problems, excessive hair growth, and acne problems.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS Treatment

In a normal menstrual cycle, one egg is released from the dominant follicle and after ovulation, the follicle shrinks and disappears. 

In PCOS, the ovaries produce immature or partially mature eggs in large numbers but do not grow to desired pre ovulatory size.

These underdeveloped follicles remain as cysts in ovaries. Due to this, ovaries become large and secrete large amounts of male hormones which leads to infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, hair loss, and abnormal weight gain.

Causes of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Some significant factors are:

  • Excess male hormone (androgen) production:

The ovaries produce abnormally excess androgen hormones that can lead to acne and hair growth on the face and body.

  • Excess insulin production:

Excess insulin level in the body might increase male hormone production (which is usually very low in females) which causes difficulty in follicle rupture.

  • Heredity:

Women with PCOS show certain genetic correlations.

Common symptoms of PCOD:

Common symptoms of (PCOS)

  • Irregular periods:

-A lack of ovulation prevents uterine lining from shedding off.

-Some women with PCOS have irregular ovulation gets less than 8 periods a year.

  • Heavy bleeding:

-Prolonged menstrual cycle (40-50 days) leads to build up of thick uterine lining which leads to heavier periods than normal.

  • Hair growth:

-More than 70% of women with this condition show growth of hair on face and body.

  • Acne:

-Male hormones can make the skin oilier and cause acne.

  • Weight gain:

-Upto 80% of women with PCOS are overweight.

  • Male pattern baldness:

-Hair on the scalp gets thinner and may fall out.

  • Darkening of skin:

-Dark patches are formed on the skin in the groin, neck, and under breasts.

  • Headache:

-Hormonal imbalance can trigger headaches in some women.


How PCOS affects the body:

  • Infertility:

To conceive, women should have regular ovulation.

-In PCOS, there is irregular ovulation and release of eggs which leads to infertility.

-PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women.

  • Metabolic syndrome:

Up to 80% of women with PCOS are overweight. Both PCOD and obesity increase risk for:

High blood sugar (diabetes)

High blood pressure

High LDL (bad) cholesterol

Heart diseases

  • Interrupt sleep:

-The risk for sleep apnea (repeated pauses in breathing during sleep) is 5 to 10 times more in women with obesity and PCOS.

  • Endometrial cancer:

-A thickened uterine lining can increase risk for endometrial cancer.

  • Depression:

Both hormonal changes and symptoms like unwanted hair growth can negatively affect emotions.

-Women with PCOS experiences sometimes anxiety and depression.


How PCOS is diagnosed?

Doctors typically diagnose Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) who have at least 2 of these 3 symptoms:

  • Irregular periods
  • High cholesterol level
  • Sonography showing cysts in ovary.

Also symptoms like acne, hair growth, and obesity.

Diet and lifestyle tips to treat PCOS:

Treatment for PCOS usually starts with lifestyle changes like weight loss, diet, and exercise.

  • Weight loss:

-Losing just 10% of body weight may help regulate the menstrual cycle, lower insulin, and reduce cholesterol level.

  • Diet:

-Low carbohydrate diets are effective for both weight loss and lowering insulin levels.

-Fruits, vegetables and whole grains help regulate the menstrual cycle.

  • Exercise:

-30 mins of exercise can help women with PCOD lose weight which also helps improve ovulation.

PCOS: According to Ayurveda

According to ayurveda PCOS can be correlated with “Artav kshaya” (oligomenorrhea) which involves three- doshas, dhatus and strotas as

  • Doshas – vata, pitta, kapha
  • Dhatus – Ras, Rakta, Meda, Artav
  • Strotas – Ras vah, Rakta vah, Artav vah

which eventually manifest features such as

  • Anartav (Amenorrhea)
  • Vandhyatva (Infertility)
  • Pushpaghni (Anovulation)

Abheeja rutuchakra (Anovulatory menstruation)

Ayurveda suggests that excess vata, pitta and kapha causes hormonal imbalance. It results in blockages in the internal channels of artav vaha strotas (female reproductive system). It obstructs the natural flow of the menstrual cycle and suppresses whole metabolic activity.

The causes of PCOD are kapha increasing food (excessive sweet intake), mandagi (weak digestive power), as well as vat and pitta aggravating food and lifestyle.

Ayurvedic respective of PCOS:

It does not correlate any single disease in ayurveda but the symptoms bear a resemblance to different terminologies mentioned in different ayurvedic texts. Such as:


  1.  Arajaska yonivyapad (Amenorrhoea):

योनि गर्भाशयस्थम् च एत पितम् संदूषयेत असृक् |

सा अरजस्का मता काश्यॅ वैवण्यॅ जननी भृशम ||

Charak chi 30/17

 When pitta situated in the vaginal tract and uterus vitiated blood then there will be no menstruation.

     2. Lohitkshaya yonivyapad (Oligomenorrhoea):

वातपिताभ्यां क्षीयते रज: |

स दाह काश्यॅ वैवण्य यस्या: सा लोहितक्षया ||

Ashtang Hraday Utter 33/45

Vagbhat described that due to vitiation of vata and pitta, the amount of menstrual blood is decreased and the woman suffers from burning sensation, emaciation and discoloration.

3. Vandhya yonivyapad (Infertility):

वंध्याम् नष्टातॅवां विद्यात् |

Sushrut uttar 38/10

Acharya Sushrut has mentioned amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea as a symptom of infertility.

  1. Nastartav (Oligomenorrhoea):

दौषै: आवृत मार्गवात् आर्तवं नश्यति स्त्रीय: |

Sushrut sharir 2/23

Sushrut says that the tri doshas can obstruct the strotas (body channels) and cause arrest of menstrual flow.

  1. Pushpagni jataharni (PCOS):

वृथा पुष्पं तु या नारी यथाकालं प्रपश्यति |

स्थूलं लोमशगण्डा वा पुष्पघ्नी सा अपि रेवती ||

Kashyap Sanhita Revati Kalpa 33

वृथा पुष्पं – Anovulation

यथाकालं प्रपश्यति – Menstruating regularly

स्थूलं – Obese

लोमशगण्डा – Hairy chin (Hirsutism)

Such women menstruate in time but it is without ovulation, obese, and hairy cheeks. It is very close to PCOS.

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD/PCOS:

PCOD is not just an endocrine disorders but also a metabolic, hormonal and psychosocial disorder. Treatment depends on the presenting symptoms and may include as the following:

  1. Detoxification:

Ayurvedic way of detoxification (panchkarma therapy) of body, strengthens the female reproductive system by rectifying hormonal imbalances. It helps to remove toxins from the body resulting in the cleansing of uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and vagina.

     2. Medications:-

Herbal ayurvedic medicines are useful for their ability to balance hormones and promote adaptability to conceive a child. Ashwagandha, shatavari, gokshur, guduchi and kaucha are aid in menstrual cycle regulation, cyst formation reduction and relief in PCOS symptoms.

      3. Diet:

  • Pathya ahar:

Balanced diet is essential for normal health.

  • Apathya ahar:

Madhur ras Pradhan aahar (sweets, chocolate, sugar), abhishyandi dravya (dahi, udad, bhindi), junk food, bakery items, cold drinks etc should be avoided.

       4. Vihar:

  • Weight reduction
  • Exercise:

Women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are advised to exercise for just one hour at least five days a week.

  • Yogasanas:

These are helpful for weight reduction and to decrease blood sugar levels.
