Ojas Ayurved

Ayurvedic infertility treatment Surat

Oligospermia Treatment (low Sperm Count)

  • In this modern time because of some unacceptable changes in our diet, lifestyle and high consumption of alcohol, smoking, and drugs, some medicines can cause a deficiency in sperm and semen quality.
  • At such levels, the sperm are often incapable of fertilising the egg.  
  • As a result, women tend to run into more difficulties when trying to conceive even if naturally, IUI or IVF.


  • Oligospermia: A low sperm count is defined as having less than 15 million sperm per ml of semen.


         Medical causes:

  • Varicocele: It is swelling of the testicular veins. (High testicular temperature can harm).
  • Infection: Epididymitis, orchitis, gonorrhoea, HIV. (infection can result in testicular damage)
  • Ejaculatory problem: Diabetes, spinal injury, surgery of prostate, urethra or bladder. (retrograde, lack or premature ejaculation occur)
  • Autoimmunity: Anti-sperm antibodies destroy sperm.
  • Undescended testis: Sometimes testicles fail to descend from the abdomen Into the scrotum.
  • Defect in vas deferens: Sperm transport tubules can be blocked due to Trauma, infection, injury from surgery or cystic fibrosis.
  • Tumours: Tumours can affect the male reproductive organs.
  • Hormones imbalance: Testosterone, FSH, and LH hormones are necessary to create sperm.
  • Chromosome defect: Chromosome defect causes abnormal development of the male reproductive organs.
  • Medications: Chemotherapy, testosterone therapy, anabolic steroids, antifungal and antibiotics can impair sperm production.
  • Diseases: Obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and STD may affect sperm production in male Infertility.

    Environmental Causes : 

  • Industrial chemicals, heavy metals, radiation.
  • Overheating the testicles: Driving, factory working.

        Lifestyle and other causes :

  • Alcohol, smoking, tobacco.
  • Spicy and unhealthy food.
  • Tight clothes.
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Obesity.


Symptoms of oligospermia 

  • Difficulty conceiving.
  • Decreases sexual desire or function.
  • Testicular pain or swelling (occasional)

Diagnostic process

  • Semen analysis: A semen sample is analysed in a laboratory for sperm count, motility and morphology.
  • Hormonal evaluation: Most investigations are the assays of FSH, LH and testosterone.
  • Physical examination: Physical examination conducted by a physician.
  • Medical history: Information about lifestyle, habits, and any exposures is collected.


Treatment : (Ayurvedic treatment) 

  • Ashwagandha, shatavari, white musli and kaucha seeds are helpful for boosting sperm production.
  • Panchakarma therapy may be useful.
  • Healthier lifestyle with a balanced diet.
  • Regular exercise and yoga.
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco and smoking.


Shukra Dhatu (Semen) described in Ayurveda:

Signs of pure semen (Shudh shukra)


       स्निग्धं घनं पिच्छिलं च मधुरं च अविदाही च |

       रेत: शुद्धं विजानियाच्छवेतं स्फटिक सन्निभम् ||     

चरक संहिता चि. 30/145


स्फटिकाभं द्रवं स्निग्धं मधुरं मधुगन्धि च |

 शुक्र इछन्ति केचितु तैल क्षौद्रनिभं तथा ||     

सुश्रुत शा. 2/13

The semen which is viscous, dense, slimy, sweet, non-irritating, white is known as pure or normal.

Signs of qualities of semen


बहलं मधुरं स्निग्धम् अविश्रं गुरु पिच्छिलम् |

शुक्लं बहु च यत् शुक्रं फलवत् असंशयम् || 

चरक संहिता चि. 2/4/50 

Thick , sweet, viscous without foul smelling, heavy, viscous, cloudy white and in large quantities semen is best for fertilisation.

Causes of low semen volume and low sperm count (शुक्र क्षय के कारण)


           जरया चिन्तया शुक्रं व्याधिभि: कर्मकर्षणात् |

          क्षयं गच्छति अनशनात् स्त्रीणां च अतिनिषेवणात् ||     

चरक संहिता चि. 2/4/42


  • जरया – old age
  • चिन्तया – stress, anxiety 
  • व्याधिभि: – testicular / seminal duct disorders and other diseases
  • कर्मकर्षणात् – excessive hard work
  • अनशनात् – prolonged fasting
  • स्त्रीणां च अतिनिषेवणात् – excessive sexual activity

Causes of contaminated semen (शुक्र दुष्ट के कारण)


अतिव्यवायात् व्यायामात् असात्म्यानां च सेवनात् |

अकाले वा अपि अयौनौ व मैथुनं च गच्छत : ||

रुक्ष तिक्त कषाय अति लवण अम्ल उष्ण सेवनात् |

नारीणाम् अरसज्ञानां गमना जरया तथा ||

चिन्ता शोकादविसम्भात् शस्त्र क्षार अग्नि विभ्रमात् |

भयात् क्रोधात् अतिसारात् व्याधिभि: कशिॅतस्य च ||

वेग घातात् क्षतात् च अपि धातूनां संप्रदूषणात् |     

चरक चि. 30/138

  • Excessive sex and physical exercise.
  • Intake of unwholesome food.
  • Untimely sex (childage, old age, unhealthy)
  • Sexual intercourse through track other than female genital organ.
  • Abstinence
  • Intake of food which are dry, bitter, astringent, saline, sour and hot.
  • Sexual intercourse with unexciting women.
  • Old age, fear, anger and lack of confidence.
  • Seminal fluid channel  injury by sharp instruments, alkalies or cauterization.
  • Suppression of the natural urges.


8 types of seminal morbidities. (शुक्र के दोष)

फेनिलं तनु रुक्षंं विवणॅ पूति पिच्छिळम् |

अन्य धातु उपसंसृष्टम् अवसादि तथाअष्टमम् ||

                                                          चरक चि . 30/140


फेनिलं (frothy semen): Due to ejaculating frequently, retrograde ejaculation, prostatitis, STD, certain medications or dehydration.

तनु (Thin semen, watery semen): It can occur due to low sperm count, lifestyle factors,  Zinc nutritional deficiencies or frequent ejaculation.

रूक्षं (dry semen): with dehydration semen can become less fluid and more viscous

विवर्ण (discoloured semen): Red semen could be caused by inflammation of the prostate Or seminal vesicles. Yellow or green semen could be caused by an infection, jaundice or the presence of  Vitamins or medicines.

पूति (foul-smelling semen): Mixed with pus or urine. 

पिच्छिळ( hyperviscous semen): It can occur due to hypofunction of the prostate and seminal vesicle, infection, oxidative stress and genetic factors.

अन्य धातु उपसंसृष्टम् (semen mixed with other tissues or blood).

अवसादि: Semen sinking to the bottom when placed on water.
