Ojas Ayurved

Ayurvedic infertility treatment Surat



  • A migraine is a severe headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head.
  • It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Migraine attacks can last hours to days, and a painful headache interferes with daily activities.

Causes of migraine 

  • It can depend on genes.
  • Family history.
  • Certain types of foods – spicy, oily.
  • Skipping meals, irregular sleep, lack of physical activities.
  • Stress, fear and anxiety.
  • Environmental factors.


 Migraine can progress through four stages. Prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome but not everyone goes through all four stages.

  • Prodrome:

          One or two days before a migraine,  might notice few changes that warn of upcoming migraine.

       Symptoms include.

  • Mood changes.
  • Constipation.
  • Food cravings.
  • Increased urination.
  • Neck stiffness.


  • Aura

               For some people, an aura might occur before or during migraine.

      Symptoms are:

  • Vision changes
  • Pins sensation in an arm or leg.
  • Weakness or numbness in the face.
  • Difficulty in speaking.


  • Attack

             A migraine usually lasts 4 to 72 hours if untreated. Migraine occurs rarely or several times a month.

      Symptoms are:

  • Pain usually on one side of the head or often on both sides.
  • Throbbing or pulsing sensation.
  • Sensitivity to light or sound.
  • Nausea and vomiting.


  • Postdrome

  • After a migraine attack might feel drained, confused and washed out for up to a day.
  • Sudden head movement might bring on the pain again.


The Ayurved aspect of migraine


  • अर्ध: Half side of the head.
  • अवभेदक: Penetrating or breaking pain.


  • Causes:

            रुक्ष अत्य अध्यशनात् पूर्ववातावश्याय मैथुनै: |

           वेगसंधारण आयास व्यायामै: कुपितो अनिल: || चरकसंहिता उतरतंत्र 9/74


  • Excessive consumption of dry substances.
  • Consumption of excessive food.
  • Exposure to easterly breeze or fog.
  • Excessive sex activity.
  • Suppression of natural urges.
  • Exhaustion or exercise.


       केवल : सकफो वा अर्ध गृहीत्वा शिरस: तत: | चरक संहिता उतरतंत्र 9/75

  • Vata either singly or along with kapha, affecting half of the head produces severe pain.




       मन्या अभ्र शंख कर्ण अक्षि ललाट अर्धे अति वेदनाम् ||

       शस्त्र अरिणिनिभां कुर्यात् तीव्रां स: अर्धावभेदक: |

       नयनं वा अथवा श्रोत्रम् अतिवृध्धो विनाशयते | चरक संहिता उतरतंत्र 9/75


  • Pain is felt like injury by a sharp weapon in the neck, eyebrow, temple, ear, eye, and forehead of the affiliated half of the head.
  • Blindness or deafness occurs when the condition may be severe.



      चतु: स्नेह उतमा मात्रा शिर: काय: विरेचनम् |

       नाडीस्वेदो घृतं जीणँ बस्तिकर्म अनुवासनम् ||

       उपनाह: शिरोबस्ति: दहनं च अत्र शस्यते |

       प्रतिश्याये शिरोरोगे यत् उदिष्टं चिकित्सितम् || चरक संहिता उतरतंत्र 9/75

  • The 4 snehas ( taila, ghrita, vasa, majja) in the proper dosage.
  • Purgation.
  • Purificatory errhines.
  • Steam procedure.
  • Old ghee.
  • Oil enemas.
  • Poultices.
  • External oil application.
  • Cautery.
  • The management said that pratishyaya(rhinitis)and Shiro rog (headache) should also be employed appropriately.