Ojas Ayurved

Ayurvedic infertility treatment Surat

Best Foods to Improve Sperm Count and Motility

  • Male infertility is a medical condition in which a male person tries for a year or more but is unable to conceive a child with a fertile female partner.
  • Almost 30-40% of infertility cases are due to male infertility.
  • Low sperm count is one of the main causes of male infertility.

 Causes of low sperm count

Medical Causes

  • Varicocele: It is swelling of the testicular veins. (High testicular 

          temperature can harm).

  • Infection: Epididymitis, orchitis, gonorrhoea, HIV. (infection can result in  

      testicular damage)

  • Ejaculatory problem: Diabetes, spinal injury, surgery of prostate, urethra or bladder. (retrograde, lack or premature ejaculation occur)

         bladder. (retrograde, lack or premature ejaculation occur) 

  • Autoimmunity: Anti-sperm antibodies destroy sperm.
  • Undescended testis: Sometimes testicles fail to descend from the abdomen  

          Into the scrotum.

  • Defect in vas deferens: Sperm transport tubules can be blocked due to  

         Trauma, infection, injury from surgery or cystic fibrosis.

  • Tumours: Tumours can affect the male reproductive organs.
  • Hormones imbalance: Testosterone, FSH, and LH hormones are necessary to  

          create sperm.

  • Chromosome defect: Chromosome defect causes abnormal development of    

                                         the male reproductive organs.

  • Medications: Chemotherapy, testosterone therapy, anabolic steroids,  

                          antifungal and antibiotics can impair sperm production.

  • Diseases: Obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism, STD may affect sperm 


Environmental Causes

  • Industrial chemicals, heavy metals, radiation.
  • Overheating the testicles: Driving, factory working.

Lifestyle and other causes 

  • Alcohol, smoking, tobacco.
  • Spicy and unhealthy food.
  • Tight clothes.
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Obesity.

Factors Affecting Male Fertility in India

  • Habits:
    – Alcohol, smoking, tobacco, drug addiction, etc. are habits which reduce sperm quantity and quality.
  • Unhealthy diet:
    – Excessive fast food consumption and lack of essential nutrients can decrease sperm health.
  • Lifestyle:
    – Work stress, sleep disturbance, sedentary lifestyle etc. can negatively impact hormone regulation and sperm production.
  • Late marriage:
    –  Marriage at an advanced age can decrease fertility in both men and women.
  • Obesity:
    – Excess weight can impair sperm production.

Best foods to increase male fertility

Incorporating nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, antioxidant-rich fruits, whole grains, and fatty fish can improve sperm count and motility. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support male fertility by enhancing sperm health and protecting against cellular damage.

Below described are a few food items that may help in increasing male fertility.

  1. Zinc-rich foods:

  • Foods such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, oysters, red meat, poultry and dairy products are some of the food items which are high in zinc content.


2.  Vitamin C-rich food items:

  • Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, grapes are packed with vitamin c and antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress on sperm cells.


3. Carbohydrate-rich food

Carbohydrate-rich food

  • Brown rice, whole grains, potatoes, fruits, sugar cane, and milk are some of the rich sources of carbohydrates.
  • These food items contain sugar which provides nutrition and energy to sperm cells so they can swim.


     4. Eggs:

  • Eggs are a very good source of protein, fat, vitamin B12, and vitamin D which are crucial for sperm production.


4. Dry fruits:

  • Dry fruits contain nutrients that help improve sperm count and fertility and thus support reproductive health.
  • Dry fruits that help improve male fertility are:


  1. Black gram (Urad dal):

  • Black gram is considered a natural aphrodisiac and can improve the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend black gram to improve sperm count, motility, and reproductive health.
  • It is a rich source of protein and carbohydrates.