Top Ayurvedic Infertility Doctor in Surat - Expert Solutions

35+ years of expertise in Ayurved Treatment
About Us
The word “OJAS” in Ojas Ayurved stands for the vital energy that nourishes tissues and is responsible for the optimal functioning of our body, mind, and spirit.
- Panchkarma unit
- Herbal medicine
- Own pharmacy
- Patient rehabilitation
- Affordable treatment
Healthy Life Makes You Happy
According to Acharya Sushruta:
An individual or person who is in state of equilibrium of body’s Doshas (vat, pitta, kapha), Agni (digestive fire), Dhatus (tissues), Malah kriya (physical function of excreations etc) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (mind); all are happy, is considered as Healthy Individual.
समदोष: समाग्नि: च समधातु मलक्रिय: |
प्रसन्न आत्मा इंद्रिय मना: स्वस्थ इति अभिधीयते || सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान (१५/४८)
कोई व्यक्ति जिसके दोष, अग्नि, धातु और मल क्रिया सम है, साथ ही जिसकी आत्मा, इंद्रिय और मन प्रसन्न है, उसे स्वस्थ कहते है |

A good and healthy body is the reason behind a healthy mind

Why Choose Us
As we manufacture pure herbal medicines and provide true guidance to our patients.
Our patients are always treated with utmost empathy and compassion.
Specialisation in the treatment of male and female infertility , arthritis, and chronic illnesses.
Our doctor sir has 35+ years experience and owns a pharmacy.
Dr. Mahendra Rupapara
- Founder of Ojas Ayurved.
- Graduated as BAMS from Gulabkunverba College, Jamnagar in 1986.
- Practising as an Ayurved Physician in Surat city since 1987.